Hire Me

Spit for hire for your function or event

Spit Hire

  • $175 including gas bottle. This fee includes the $50 deposit.
  • Meat is not included

The $50 deposit is refundable when the spit is returned clean and all parts are accounted for.

The spit is to be picked up from KQM and returned on Monday.
You will need a trailer or single cab ute to pick it up

To Book a Spit

  • Use our form – fill in it in and pay online
  • Come in store for more information
  • Call us and we can provide more information

For the best meat for the Spit come into Kawungan Quality Meats and speak with one of the friendly staff who are all experienced with spit needs! We can tailor a package for you.

How it works:

  1. Select the service (at this time Spit Hire is only available)
  2. Let us know what day your function is on
  3. Choose a day to pick up the spit (pick up on the Friday from KQM)
  4. Click on the chosen date to lock it in.
  5. Choose the time you will pick it up – click on the time to lock it in
  6. Fill in your details
  7. Give some extra information if required
  8. Click Book Now (this will take you to the checkout where you can pay)
  9.  Payment needs to be made straight away so that we can lock in the spit hire for your chosen day for pickup.
  10. When payment has been received KQM will confirm your booking
  11. When you pick up on the Friday you can have it all weekend and bring it back on the Monday
Select service*
What is the date of your function*
(Please use the appointment calendar to choose the pick up date)
Pick up Date*
This is the day you will pick up the spit for your function
Contact Name*
Contact Email*
Contact Phone*
Function Address*
(where you are taking the spit for the function or event)
More information

Spit Roast Meat Available from KQM

If you order the 22kg Lamb or the 22kg Spit Pig please give at least a weeks notice.

Item added to cart.
1 item - $330.00